Recent Updates and Fixes to AAON's Customer Support System

We have implemented several key updates and improvements to our internal customer support system to enhance your experience, streamline processes, and improve communication.

Recent Updates

  1. Resolved Ticket Email Survey Updates
    Ticket Subject and Ticket Number Added: The ticket subject and ticket number have been incorporated into the resolved ticket email survey. This enables you to easily identify the specific ticket you are providing feedback on.
  2. Closed Ticket Reply Email Enhancements
    Ticket Subject and Ticket Number Added: Similarly, the ticket subject and ticket number are now included in the closed ticket reply emails. This allows you to easily identify which ticket has been closed, and also provides clarity when creating new requests or inquiries.
  3. Email Support Process Update
    Ticket Closure Process Improved: The email support process has been updated so that tickets are now closed only when the issue or request has been fully resolved. This ensures better tracking of open and unresolved tickets.


Upcoming Updates

  1. Phone Support Process Update 
    Ticket Creation by Customer Service Representatives: Customer service representatives are now responsible for creating a ticket and including any relevant contact information during phone support calls. This ensures that all necessary details are captured, particularly for controls and mechanical technical support cases. As a result, technical support personnel will have all required information when they answer the call.
  2. Phone Support System Enhancement
    Queue Position and Callback Option: The phone support system has been updated to provide callers with their current position in the queue. Additionally, an option for a callback has been added, offering more convenience to those who prefer not to wait on the line.