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2023 Department of Energy (DOE) Efficiency Standards

On January 1st, 2023, new DOE minimum efficiency standards went into effect for all air conditioners.

In addition to new efficiency standards, the residential testing procedure was also updated.

New Residential Testing Procedure

The residential equipment efficiency changes resulted in a new way of testing the equipment and new metrics. The testing requirements became more stringent, but also more accurate. The new metrics are referred to as SEER2, HSPF2, and EER2

These testing procedure changes ONLY apply for single phase equipment less than or equal to 65 MBh.

New Metrics:

SEER2Previously SEER

EER2 - Previously EER

HSPF2Previously HSPF

Key Areas of the Testing Procedure that Changed:

  • Minimum air handler static pressure
  • Fan power for coil-only units
  • Heating load calculation
  • Heating mode test
  • Variable speed factor for SEER2
  • Off-mode power test

Note: Off-mode power test does not affect SEER2/HSPF2 and is regulated separately.

For a more complete list with detailed information on the testing procedure, please see the Department of Energy website.


Efficiency Standards

AAON had an extensive line of products that already met these new Department of Energy standards well before they went into effect.

Further improvements and changes were made to the rest of AAON’s product line to ensure selections would meet these new standards. The two standards that affected AAON equipment were for Single Phase – 5 tons or less, and Single Phase – Commercial.


Single Phase – 5 tons or less

For residential, most equipment minimum efficiency increased by approximately 7% and is based on the new testing procedures.

There are different rules for different regions for air-cooled equipment, with the Southeast and Southwest regions being more stringent. Single packaged air-conditioners are the same nationally; except for the Southwest, which must meet the 2023 EER requirements.

It should be noted that these three regions also have different requirements when it comes to when products that do not meet these standards could be installed. In the northern regions, you can continue installing units that do not meet the new efficiency standards - as long as these units were manufactured prior to January 1, 2023.

In the southeast and southwest regions, you are not permitted to install units that do not meet the new efficiency standards, beginning January 1, 2023. This means all units that did not meet these standards could not have been installed after December 31, 2022, in these regions.

Map Source: https://www.achrnews.com/articles/146585-prepare-now-for-2023-energy-efficiency-standards


Single Phase - Commercial

For Commercial equipment, DOE increased minimum efficiency in two phases, the first phase occurred in 2018 and was a 13% increase; the second phase began in 2023 and required an additional 15% increase in efficiency.

The commercial equipment changes were straightforward with higher minimum ratings for IEER and COP and no EER requirements.

Commercial products do not have regional standards, the DOE compliance is based on the ship date.


Minimum Cooling Efficiency Standards for Air Conditioning and Heating Equipment

Equipment Type

Cooling Capacity

Heating Type

Since January 1, 2018

Starting January 1, 2023


Small Commercial Packaged Equipment

≥65,000 Btu/h


<135,000 Btu/h

Electric Resistance, or No Heat

IEER = 12.9

IEER = 14.8

All other heating types

IEER = 12.7

IEER = 14.6


COP = 3.3

COP = 3.4


Large Commercial Packaged Equipment

≥135,000 Btu/h and

<240,000 Btu/h

Electric Resistance, or No Heat

IEER = 12.4

IEER = 14.2

All other heating types

IEER = 12.2

IEER = 14.0


COP = 3.2

COP = 3.3


Very Large Commercial Packaged Equipment

≥240,000 Btu/h and

<760,000 Btu/h

Electric Resistance, or No Heat

IEER = 11.6

IEER = 13.2

All other heating types

IEER = 11.4

IEER = 13.0


COP = 3.2 (No Changes for 2023)