


VAV/Zone Controllers & Modules

AAON control solutions go beyond the rooftop. Our VAV controls solution is the straightforward answer to your VAV system needs.

AAON offers two controllers and one expansion module:

  • Pressure Dependent VAV/Zone BACnet Controller
  • Pressure Independent VAV/Zone BACnet Controller
  • VAV/Zone Controller Expansion Module


  • Applications
    The AAON VAV controls solution provides you with options for individual comfort.
    • Cooling only
    • Cooling with Reheat
    • Series/Parallel Fan Powered Box
    • Auxiliary Room Heating (fin tube, baseboard heating, radiant panel)
  • Features

    Our VAV controls solution is simple to use and allows you to meet your VAV needs, regardless of the size of the job. Its networking capabilities allow you to connect more than 3500 controllers. Like AAON Unit Controllers, our VAV controllers come with field-selectable sequences of operation providing simplicity and flexibility.

    Our VAV controls provide the following options.

    • Standalone
    • Networked with AAON Unit
    • Networked with BAS front-end
    • Pressure Dependent or Independent
    • Fan Powered
    • Multi-Stage On/Off Heating
    • Modulating Heating
  • Options

    Pressure Dependent VAV/Zone BACnet Controller
    The Pressure Dependent VAV/Zone BACnet® Controller is designed for pressure dependent Zone Damper applications and is mounted in a plastic enclosure. In addition to the needed inputs and outputs for typical VAV/zoning control, one binary output for a single stage of Auxiliary Heat is provided on the controller.

    Pressure Independent VAV/Zone BACnet Controller
    The Pressure Independent VAV/Zone BACnet® Controller is designed for pressure independent VAV Box and Zone Damper applications. It is supplied with an integral Airflow Sensor and is mounted in a plastic enclosure. In addition to the needed inputs and outputs for typical VAV/zoning control, one binary output for a single stage of Auxiliary Heat is provided on the controller.

    VAV/Zone Controller Expansion Module
    An optional Expansion Module is available for applications using fan terminals and/or more than 1 stage of electric heat, SCR electric heat, or modulating HW heat. The Expansion Module connects to the VAV/Zone BACnet® Controller by means of a prefabricated E-BUS cable.

  • Performance

    Our solution enhances total building comfort and energy savings, while maintaining open service and support options. They allow for a simple start-up process whether you are integrating with AAON’s unit controllers or a Building Automation System front-end.

  • Quality
    Controls quality and reliability are crucial to a positive ownership experience. AAON unit controllers’ low failure rate is directly attributed to our quality process:
    • UL certified to ensure industry safety criteria are met.
    • During the design stage, durability is assessed through our environmental and electrical testing.
    • Controllers go through continued testing in all phases of production to ensure integrity of the product.
    To complement our quality process, our support teams provide feedback integral for continual improvement.
  • Sustainability
    Our VAV controllers are designed to operate and communicate while maximizing the RTU’s capabilities in real time. For instance:
    • Supply Temp Reset based on unit supply fan speed
    • Dynamic Duct Static Reset looks at all boxes and lowers duct static pressure setpoint to reduce energy consumption
    • Modulating reheat at box to satisfy space by using less heating resources
  • Health/IAQ

    Our VAV controls solution provides comfort and IAQ through zoned heating/cooling while adding natural dehumidification.

    For more information on how to leverage this solution, contact your local AAON Rep.

The AAON VAV controls solution provides you with options for individual comfort.
  • Cooling only
  • Cooling with Reheat
  • Series/Parallel Fan Powered Box
  • Auxiliary Room Heating (fin tube, baseboard heating, radiant panel)

Our VAV controls solution is simple to use and allows you to meet your VAV needs, regardless of the size of the job. Its networking capabilities allow you to connect more than 3500 controllers. Like AAON Unit Controllers, our VAV controllers come with field-selectable sequences of operation providing simplicity and flexibility.

Our VAV controls provide the following options.

  • Standalone
  • Networked with AAON Unit
  • Networked with BAS front-end
  • Pressure Dependent or Independent
  • Fan Powered
  • Multi-Stage On/Off Heating
  • Modulating Heating

Pressure Dependent VAV/Zone BACnet Controller
The Pressure Dependent VAV/Zone BACnet® Controller is designed for pressure dependent Zone Damper applications and is mounted in a plastic enclosure. In addition to the needed inputs and outputs for typical VAV/zoning control, one binary output for a single stage of Auxiliary Heat is provided on the controller.

Pressure Independent VAV/Zone BACnet Controller
The Pressure Independent VAV/Zone BACnet® Controller is designed for pressure independent VAV Box and Zone Damper applications. It is supplied with an integral Airflow Sensor and is mounted in a plastic enclosure. In addition to the needed inputs and outputs for typical VAV/zoning control, one binary output for a single stage of Auxiliary Heat is provided on the controller.

VAV/Zone Controller Expansion Module
An optional Expansion Module is available for applications using fan terminals and/or more than 1 stage of electric heat, SCR electric heat, or modulating HW heat. The Expansion Module connects to the VAV/Zone BACnet® Controller by means of a prefabricated E-BUS cable.

Our solution enhances total building comfort and energy savings, while maintaining open service and support options. They allow for a simple start-up process whether you are integrating with AAON’s unit controllers or a Building Automation System front-end.

Controls quality and reliability are crucial to a positive ownership experience. AAON unit controllers’ low failure rate is directly attributed to our quality process:
  • UL certified to ensure industry safety criteria are met.
  • During the design stage, durability is assessed through our environmental and electrical testing.
  • Controllers go through continued testing in all phases of production to ensure integrity of the product.
To complement our quality process, our support teams provide feedback integral for continual improvement.
Our VAV controllers are designed to operate and communicate while maximizing the RTU’s capabilities in real time. For instance:
  • Supply Temp Reset based on unit supply fan speed
  • Dynamic Duct Static Reset looks at all boxes and lowers duct static pressure setpoint to reduce energy consumption
  • Modulating reheat at box to satisfy space by using less heating resources

Our VAV controls solution provides comfort and IAQ through zoned heating/cooling while adding natural dehumidification.

For more information on how to leverage this solution, contact your local AAON Rep.