


AAON Controls Tech Support


Here you will find the latest version of AAON Controls software releases. Prior to downloading any of the files on this site, please open and read the instruction file corresponding to that specific link. This will not only explain how to download and install the file, but it will also prevent you from downloading the wrong or unnecessary files. It is recommended that you download from here only when advised to do so by AAON Controls Support. Please refresh your browser each time you access this page to ensure you access the most recent information.

AAON provides installation and configuration support. Support for all telephone service is available Monday through Friday, 7:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., Central Time.

Controls Tech Support   1-866-918-1100 | 1-918-382-6450 |


Most Common Requests


Prism 2 Software – Updates and New Installs

Current version: 5.17.0. Updated: 10-24-2024

Modular Service Tool Worksheets

For the Modular Service Tool

Modular Service Tool (Handheld) Screens and Software Updates

This file is used to perform updates with the Modular Service Tool SD:


Prism 2 Software

What is Prism 2?

Prism 2 is a complete Windows-based graphical interface that allows you to interact with your AAON digital controls. Prism 2 software is compatible with Microsoft Windows 10. For further system requirements, please refer to the Prism 2 Technical Guide.


Prism 2 Technical Documentation


USB Drivers

Why are USB drivers needed?

The USB Drivers are needed to communicate with your system through Prism 2 either by using a CommLink 5 or USB-Link 2. After downloading Prism 2, you will need to download the USB Driver files onto your computer's C:\ drive and then run the installation.

CAUTION: Make sure that a USB-Link 2, CommLink 5, or any other hardware is not plugged into your computer's USB ports while performing the USB driver installation.


Updating the SD Card Screens in the Modular Service Tool SD and System Manager SD

Please note: Updating the SD card DOES NOT update the internal software of the Modular Service Tool SD or System Manager SD. Also, needing to update the SD card does not necessarily mean that you also need to update your Service Tool's internal software. Please consult Technical Support with any questions.

If you were advised to update your SD card by AAON Control’s Support Department, you will need to download the file “” onto your computer and copy and paste its contents to your SD card. In most cases you will be advised to update your SD card and your software. Please note that this process will simply update the contents of your SD card but it will not update your Modular Service Tool SD software nor will it update your System Manager SD Software.


Updating the Modular Service Tool SD or the System Manager SD

Note: When updating to version 1.12 or above, please update the SD card to the latest HH screens.

If you have multiple Modular Service Tool SDs, then the easiest way to update them is by using one Modular Service Tool SD to update the rest. To do so, one of the Service Tools must have software version 1.05 or higher.

If you have a Modular Service Tool SD version 1.05 or higher, you may use it to update your System Manager SD.

If you only have one Modular Service Tool SD, a System Manager SD but no Modular Service Tool SD, or if your Modular Service Tool SD version is not 1.05 or higher, the only way to perform this update is by using Prism 2.

Updating the VCCX-IP Software

Update the VCCX-IP software with USB drive. 

If you have a Modular Service Tool SD version 1.05 or higher, you may use it to update the VCCX2 Controller.

If your Modular Service Tool SD version is not 1.05 or higher, then the only way to perform this update is by using Prism 2.

Updating the VCCX2 Software

If you have a Modular Service Tool SD version 1.05 or higher, you may use it to update the VCCX2 Controller.

If your Modular Service Tool SD version is not 1.05 or higher, then the only way to perform this update is by using Prism 2.


Updating the VCC-X or VCB-X Software

If you have a Modular Service Tool SD version 1.05 or higher, you may use it to update the VCC-X or VCB-X Controller. Note: You can also use the Modular Service Tool to update the VCC-X to VCCX2

If your Modular Service Tool SD version is not 1.05 or higher, then the only way to perform this update is by using Prism 2.


Updating the RSM Modules Software

If you have a Modular Service Tool SD version 1.05 or higher, you may use it to update the RSM Modules.

If your Modular Service Tool SD version is not 1.05 or higher, then the only way to perform this update is by using Prism 2.


Updating the E-BUS Module Software

If you have a Modular Service Tool SD version 1.05 or higher, you may use it to update the E-BUS Modules.

If your Modular Service Tool SD version is not 1.05 or higher, then the only way to perform this update is by using Prism 2.


Updating the PT-Link II Software & Other Files

For updating the PT Link protocessor to the latest available firmware for PT-Link II BACnet4, LON-3, or N2-4 boards, choose one of these files and click on the instructions:

If your config file is corrupted, missing, or not working, here are the default config files for each BACnet4, LON-3, and N2-4:


Software Updates

In order to maintain our industry-leading ship time, some of AAON's controls products use alternative processors. Processor selection is based on availability during assembly. The PIC32 processor requires software SS1xxx; the RP2040 processor requires software SS3xxx. There is no functional difference between the two types of boards.

The correct software package must be used for all software updates. Please verify the software required for the following products before attempting to perform an update.  The software is identified on the software label near the Status LED or using the Software Version screen. An error during the update or during reboot may be the result of loading the incorrect software. Contact AAON Technical Support for assistance, if required.

  • Grow House Series
  • MHGRV-X Series
  • MODGAS-X Series
  • RSMD Series

Modular Service Tool (Handheld) Screens and Software Update


VAV/Zone Controllers & Modules


Grow House Series

Please verify the software required before attempting to perform an update.  The software is identified on the software label near the Status LED or using the Software Version screen. 

MHGRV-X Series

Please verify the software required before attempting to perform an update.  The software is identified on the software label near the Status LED or using the Software Version screen. 


Please verify the software required before attempting to perform an update.  The software is identified on the software label near the Status LED or using the Software Version screen. 

Preheat-X Series

RSMD Series

Please verify the software required before attempting to perform an update.  The software is identified on the software label near the Status LED or using the Software Version screen.  

RSMV Series

RSMZ Series

Miscellaneous Modules and Controllers